Certified Angelic Reiki Energy Healing
Angelic Reiki offers a profound system for self healing, healing of others and consciousness expansion. It is a powerful tool for personal development and transformation. Each level is taught over 2.5 days.
Angelic Reiki draws from the Usui and Shamballa lineages and combines these with powerful transmissions channelled by Kevin Core. You will learn to work hand in hand with highest energies of the Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters, Collective and Galactic Beings.
Egypt is a place where the knowledge of Atlantis was hidden, both in the physical and etheric structures of the temples. This vibration is being resurrected as the connection with the Divine that was lost 14,500 years ago. The Angelic Reiki System is one of the vehicles for this lost vibration to be restored to humanity. When you connect with this energy it will cause ancient locks, placed in the consciousness of Humanity to be released, allowing you to experience this reality in a different way.
This is a complete system of energy healing, which is open to all. The attunement through the Angelic Kingdom prepares and initiates you to start working hand in hand with Angelic Beings of Light and establishes a conscious and permanent link with the Angelic Dimension supporting you powerfully in your daily life.
Angelic Reiki consists of 4 different levels:
Angelic Reiki 1&2
Angelic Reiki 3&4
Angelic Reiki professional Practitioner
Angelic Reiki Master Teacher
Contact me for the 2018 workshop schedule, details and to book your space for the next workshop in your area.
If you are interested in inviting me to facilitate a workshop in your city contact me to discuss options.
You can find more information on the official international Angelic Reiki Website:
“I’ve been working with Fran for a couple of years now and she is truly a gifted healer. I had completed the Angelic Reiki 1&2 with Franziska what a beautiful experience it was with her. She is such a wonderful Teacher, Guide who supported myself and the entire group completely throughout the 2.5 days, with so much love and grace. Her knowledge for any question thrown at her was delivered with wisdom, love, and light. I am looking forward to any other services she provides in the future. Highly recommended”
“I did a couple of workshops with Franziska and I was truly impressed with all the information she had to offer and all her dedication and compromise to sharing them with us. The Angelic Reiki workshops were the first contact I had with the spiritual and energetic teachings and I can say that it indeed changed my life. It was the doorway to my awakening. She is a really intuitive person, an excellent teacher but also an excellent coach and guider. I also did a personal session with her, which helped me a lot at that time. She gave me consistent advises and guidance to support me in my daily life but also on my spiritual path. Highly Recommend!”
Certified Magnified Healing Workshop
Magnified Healing® is a holistic approach to naturally assist the healing of your body, mind and spirit and to facilitate
others in their healing process and is taught over 2 full days.
During a session healing energy flows through your body, releasing blockages and re-balancing health. It is a gentle and deeply relaxing facilitation of energy that has a positive effect on many levels.
Magnified Healing® also establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to the Source, the ‘all that is’ or also called the ‘infinite mind’. In most energy healing methods, the healing is channelled and directed through the healer. During a Magnified Healing® session the practitioner works closely with the energy of ascendend master Lady Kwan Yin and creates the healing energy with the connection to the ‘God most high of the universe’, to become a channel for the Magnified Healing® energy.
In 1992, under the direct intervention and inspiration of Lady Master Kwan Yin, Magnified Healing® of the ‘God most high of the universe’ was brought forth into its expanded form for the advancement of Humanity and the Earth. Lady Kwan Yin guided, directed and inspired the healers Gisele King and Kathryn M. Anderson to spread the practice and teaching of this powerful healing modality.
The 2 days certified Practitioner and Master Teacher Phase 1 workshop includes:
Knowledge and basic understanding of metaphysical terms such as karma, spiritual centres (chakras), spiritual hierarchy, threefold flame, violet fire, ascension
Preparation (aligning charkas and clearing light channels)
Instruction for healing self and others
Balancing of Karma
Preparation for Ascension
Absent Healing
Healing of the Earth
Certification as Master-Teacher of Magnified Healing® Phase 1
Contact me for the 2018 workshop schedule, details and to book your space for the next workshop in your area.
If you are interested in inviting me to facilitate a workshop in your city contact me to discuss options.
You can find more information on the official international Magnified Healing site:
Book a 15 minutes FREE Skype call to find out more about the workshops and which one is best for you.
“Franziska’s compassion, dedication & highly developed intuition makes her uniquely amazing as a teacher & spiritual coach. She ‘walks her talk’ which has inspired me to start living my truth & to honour my own unique Essence. The Angelic Reiki workshops & Magnified Healing workshop facilitated by Franziska have so far had the most profound effect on me & my life. Each workshop I was able to consciously experience a deep connection to source; to physically feel this divine energy coming in & to receive affirmation that we all, with no exceptions, hold the power within us to heal & do extraordinary things. After the last Angelic Reiki workshop I woke the next day feeling a sensation in my face like I’d been given the deluxe facial at some heavenly day spa! Truly amazing! Two beautiful, gentle but powerful workshops I would highly recommend for everyone, and to you Franziska who brought the love, warmth & wisdom needed to facilitate them, I thank you with the deepest of gratitude.”