Mentoring Program
Are you longing to live life more fully?
Do you feel that there is more to do and experience in this life for you but you don’t know exactly how and where to start?
Ready to deepen and build your trust, faith and intuition to awaken to the true magic that life has to offer?
Are you ready to dive deep, open your heart and manifest your visions and dream instead of just thinking about it?
This 6 to 12 months individual Mentoring Program is an invitation and exceptional offer to reconnect more deeply with your essence, to become your true self and live authentically and open heartedly. You will receive clarifying authentic guidance, support and ongoing, practical tools to work with for your specific concerns and your current life.
You will be assisted and guided in your personal transformation and expansion to become the fullest version of yourself. It’s about creating space, support, the information and having the practical tools to actually do that rather than just think about it. You will deepen and build your trust, faith and intuition to awaken to a deeper larger journey to experience the true magic that life has to offer.
You will receive information and complete tasks to assist you in gaining greater awareness, connecting to your power, keeping focused on your goals and your path in alignment with body, mind and soul.
The Mentoring Program is available in person or via Skype.
“When I started working with Franziska in September 2016 I felt as if I lived life in a thick emotional fog. I had goals and dreams for what I wanted to achieve, vague ideas of what I wanted my life to be like, but also felt hindered in working towards these goals by invisible forces, mostly leftover thought and behavioural patterning from my past. You don’t know what you don’t know, and working with Franziska through the Mentor Program equipped me with tools to illuminate the fog, map out the terrain of my emotional landscape, discard ways of being and seeing that no longer served me and install a new sense of self and curiosity about life and what it has to offer. Franziska is an incredibly supportive and non-judgemental mentor, the perfect role model for us to emulate when relating to ourselves. I cannot recommend her enough.”
“Amazed!! Deeply transformational.... I highly recommend!!